In the arid landscapes of Nalaatimi, a small village nestled in the heart of Africa, the scarcity of water paints a somber picture. As global warming tightens its grip on the planet, the people of Nalaatimi bear witness to the devastating consequences. Water, once abundant and freely accessible, has transformed into a luxury that dictates the rhythm of life. This is the story of Nalaatimi, where the struggle for water serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need to address the challenges of global warming.
SONYILCE-7M3135mm F1.8 DG HSM | Art 018Media Type: JPG
I’m Kureng Dapel from Nigeria. A graduate of the University of Jos, 35 years of age, I’m passionate about digital arts based on my photography, arts and theatre skills. Winner of The Who is who award and the Africans Rising International Award, I use my technical know-how to advance human rights through some of my pictures. My fields of interest are gender-based Violence, Cultural rights, and children's rights. My life as a photographer started with my father, Mr. Ronald Dapel, unfortunately, he passed on before I found my feet in the industry. He was a photographer, so it’s natural to say he passed on those DNA traits to his son. It was really tough in the beginning. I didn’t think I had any talents or unique qualities that I could develop. I did all sorts of jobs including welding, being a mechanic and even driving a bulldozer I discovered this beautiful gift in 2008 when I noticed an uncontrollable attraction to a device called a ‘camera.’ Luckily, my very first gear was handed over to me by Pastor Esther Ibanga. Then, I limited the power of what was in my hands, an eight-megapixel Canon until I met late. Lawrence Olalekon. He was the window of opportunity I had. Where others had to pay a fortune to learn, he tutored me and laid that perfect foundation I’ve now built upon.
Mulgrave Nigeria Joined September 16, 2024